Cover The Night Winchester
Cover the night is an event organised by the non-profit group Invisible Children and It is part of the Kony 2012 movement. The movement's aim is to make Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army and the number one most wanted man by the International Criminal Court, famous. Joseph Kony has been abducting children and forcing them to fight in his army, often killing their parents and neighbours to leave them no choice but to fight. The event is to increase public pressure and ensure the continued involvement of the US army in his arrest and capture. Cover the night will entail putting up posters, depicting Joseph Kony, in cities all over the world. However fly posting is illegal, and in order to make the biggest impact here in Winchester we must get the local council behind us. If enough support is shown we may be able to make this event fully legal. Please sign this petition to show your support for getting this evil child snatcher, mutilator and rapist brought to justice.