The Craig/Hitchens Debate Should not Cost $98 to View Online
Biola is planning to stream the Craig/Hitchens debate live online, but is charging $98 for individuals to view it. (No, that's not a joke, and yes, as far as we know Biola IS aware of our economic times.) Given the popularity of each debater, literally tens of thousands of people (perhaps more) from around the world would like to view this debate and could potentially hear the message each speaker has to offer -- but Biola's fee is preventing them from doing so. We understand that some fees are necessary for those actually attending the debate; but to view it online, it is unreasonable and impractical to require so much money. Regardless of our position on the topic of the debate, we all agree that this fee should not be required to simply view the debate online. As Christian theists, we think Biola should demonstrate the seriousness of its commitment to reaching people with the gospel in contexts of rational dialog, rather than shrouding it with a $98 fee. We think Biola should refrain from giving the impression that it is involved in needless profiteering. Assuming Craig knows about this fee, we also ask him to pressure the Apologetics Department into reconsidering their decision. As secular nontheists and humanists, we think it's important that Hitchens should likewise be able to reach as many people as possible with his criticism of religion. We would also expect Hitchens to refrain from participating in events that are ostensibly designed to financially empower religious institutions. If he knows about this fee and still chooses to participate in this debate, we would find such action to be puzzling, to say the least. We, the undersigned, strongly urge the Biola Apologetics Department to ensure that the online viewing of this debate is either less than $10 (the cost for standard seating at the debate event) or free of charge. Churches and large viewing groups should be encouraged to voluntarily donate through standard Paypal options made available through the website. [After you have signed the petition, please call or email Biola's Apologetics Department to (politely and intelligently) voice your concern: The Christian Apologetics Program Phone: 888.332.4652 (toll free) ]