Craigslist, please include all pot belly pigs as household pets in regard to sales, not farm animals.
On Craigslist,in any given city, on any given day, you will find pot belly pigs for sale as pets for your home, sold using various names, like Tea Cup Pigs or Micro Mini Pigs. Some unscrupulous breeders will come up with any type of "small" or "tiny" name to sell a pot belly pig to an unknowing potential piggy parent, that may have seen their favorite celebrity with one or even a picture of a cutie on Facebook. Shelters and rescues are now overflowing with pot belly pigs that have out grown the "tea cup" lies that were told to the piggy parent, that now has a 150lb pig that is too large for their family or worse yet, they are dumped off some where to fend for themselves. While we can't save them all, we can help by asking Craigslist to add pot belly pigs to their list of Household Pets and to not consider them in the farm and garden catagory, as they are being advertised as a family pet that can be kept in one's home. As a pot belly piggy parent myself, I would like to see Craigslist add pot belly pigs to their Household Pet Policies. Primates are included in this catagory, so why not Pot Bellies too?? From CL: " Household pets of any kind including dogs, cats, primates, cage birds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, fish. Re-homing with small adoption fee OK. Pet animal parts, blood, or fluids are also not permitted, including stud/breeding service"