Creating a solution for the AC issue in IC
Karma Jaroudi 0

Creating a solution for the AC issue in IC

270 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Karma Jaroudi 0 Comments
270 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To the IC Administration,

As concerned parents, we would like to address the AC situation in the elementary school.

Upon returning to IC for the orientation we found out that the cooling system has not been fixed since May. We understand that you have been working tirelessly to find a solution and that it is a matter of time until it's resolved. Yet, as we all know, processes in Lebanon can be delayed.

Our main concern now is our children, and placing fans in non ventilated rooms is not a solution. We are not willing to send our children for 6 hours everyday to hot humid classes that will leave them dehydrated, nauseous, and sick. Clearly this isn't a learning environment.

We request that IC purchases or rents portable ACs for the buildings and class rooms. As we know the current situation is going to stretch through the coming warm months before the issue is resolved.

Parents are currently paying the second trimester tuition in one of the most prestigious (and expensive) private schools in Lebanon, and the least we can do is expect the school to have a viable temporary solution for this problem.

Please find attached a petition signed by concerned IC parents.

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