Need for Credible Taekwondo Leadership in Korea
To whom it may concern,
I am Rick Warren (Kukkiwon 7th dan). I have practiced traditional taekwondo for over 35 years. I have visited the Kukkiwon multiple times and received Hanmadang and International Referee Certification. I love taekwondo. I am also Vice President of a large hospital in Jackson Michigan USA. I have a very high national reputation in my health care information technology profession.
I understand that someone with a felony criminal record wants to be the Kukkiwon President or Honorary President. Can this be true? If this were to happen the reputation of Taekwondo in the world would certainly be tarnished.
Our organization with over 2,000 blackbelts would no longer seek Kukkiwon Dan certificates, as we would not want to be associated with such an organization.
As a father and an instructor I could no longer in good conscience recommend a Kukkiwon Dan Certificate. What would become of the seven Kukkiwon Dan Certificates hanging on my walls and in the homes and studios of proud black belts around the world? How could I be proud if the Kukkiwon is being run or influenced by felons? This would break my heart. I love taekwondo too much.
Rick Warren
We the undersigned support the prohibition of someone with a criminal record containing a felony from becoming the President (or any other official leadership position) of the Kukkiwon, World Taekwondo Federation, Taekwondo Foundation or Korean Taekwondo Association. As supporters of taekwondo from around the world we feel this is critical to the reputation and credibility of taekwondo and the Korean government.