Combat Sex Trafficking in Ireland - Implementation of Swedish Model
In Sweden it is against the law to buy sexual services, but not to sell them - the buyers of sexual services are criminalized and not those involved in the sexual acts. The idea behind this law in Sweden is that prostitution is regarded as violence against women and children, is harmful to society as a whole, and represents a barrier to the goal of gender equality. The Swedish model is believed to act as a deterrent to traffickers in many ways - strict laws to penalize the purchasers of sexual services reduces demand, which in turn reduces the domestic sex market, which makes it more risky and less profitable for traffickers to locate there. Currently in Ireland, buying sex is NOT illegal; either is selling sexual services. It is time to change the law in Ireland and implement legislation which will save the many women forced into prostitution by way of trafficking, poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, etc. Prostitution is caused by a demand of some men for access to women's bodies in order to satisfy their sexual desires; men create this demand, while women are the supply. A law that creates a sanction for purchasing sex will send a clear signal that in Irish society it is not acceptable to buy another person like a commodity for personal gratification. Currently, the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality are undergoing a Review of Legislation on Prostitution which is in the discussion stages. We the undersigned believe and hope that Ireland will implement legislation targeting sex trafficking in Ireland. We hope this vital and necessary legislation will be implemented without further delay in order to save the lives of hundreds of women forced to work in sexual slavery in Ireland.