Child Safety and Anti-Bullying Petition (Lunenburg Academy)
We the undersigned are protesting the lack of concern and due diligence shown by the South Shore Regional School Board in regards to incidences of abuse, both mental and physical, repeatedly occurring at the Lunenburg Academy. Clear and documented cases of repeated, chronic bullying by an authority figure have been reported, and have been dismissed in the past as "matters of perception". We feel the welfare of our children is not a "matter of perception". We find a short-term paid leave with no further action taken to be unconscionable. We demand the dismissal of the figure in question and the safety of our children to be put ahead of contractual issues. Please sign this petition and support the safety and mental and emotional health of our local children. Please help stop the permitted bullying of our children currently happening in our area. Sign this petition and protect our community's most vulnerable members.