Citizens Showing Support For Our Troops!
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

I started this petition to show our Armed Forces that we support them and the task which lies ahead of them. We as Americans should never repeat the disgusting treatment of Military Personel as we did after Vietnam. Even if one is anti-war, we need to respect the brave men and women who serve our country. I plan on sending the results of this petition to my two brothers (One in the Air Force, the other in the Navy) along with my close friends who are stationed in Middle East in the Marine Corp and Army National Guard. Let us never forget those who are out there protecting our freedoms and rights and keeping us safe from terror. Wether they are home or abroad we support them!
I am a 18 year old student who wants to show my support for our Armed Services. I plan on stepping up to serve my country by joining the USMC or the US Army upon graduation. I love my country and proud to be able to live here in freedom!! You can e-mail me at: jvernlund@msn.com