CUSP - Communities United against Sexual Predators
CUSP, or Communities United against Sexual Predators, was designed to garner community support, specifically in Pennsylvania, to let legislatures know that they need to better protect our communities from SVP\'s (Sexual Violent Predators). Specifically, in the case of Pennsylvania, we are encouraging the Senate to pass Senate Bill #944 as is. Senate Bill #944, which you can read in its entirety from the link on this site, has provisions to better protect communities and children from Sexual Violent Predators. Pennsylvania\'s Megan\'s Law notification system recently received a scathing auitor-general\'s report, as well as a failing grade from the national Megan\'s Law watchdog group. CUSP was organized to get communities involved in sending the message to our elected officials, via their signatures, that the children and families of Pennsylvania deserve better protection than they are currently receiving. Where things stand: ** Latest Update 6/21/06 ** I\'m pleased to inform you that Senate Bill 944, establishing Jessica\'s Law in PA, unanimously passed the Senate during the 6/19 voting session. Congratulations and thanks to all of you who took the time to contact your Senators... it worked! Now it is before the House Judiciary Committee. Please contact every House Judiciary member and ask them to support SB944! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! ***BREAKING NEWS 6/8/06*** A lesson in the painful legislative process. Senate Bill 944 (SB944), the bill that we have all been pushing for was recently considered, amended and reported out of the Appropriations Committee, which means it now goes to the \"Senate Floor\" for a vote. There are only so many bills that ever make it on the calendar, those that do usually die or are tabled into oblivion... a few actually move on. IF SB944 passes before the State Senate, it then needs to go the House of Representatives, then the House Judiciary, the House Appropriations, etc. AND, this legislative session ends November 30th! What you can do is go to this list: ... and ask as many Senators as you can to support SB944! ***3/17/06*** A packet of information was sent to Senator Greenleaf, as well as seven other interested Senators, on Monday 3/13/06 that included among other things a list of almost 300 signatures from this petition. We were notified yesterday 3/16/06 that SB 944, after months of dormancy, has been scheduled for Judiciary Committee consideration on Tuesday 3/21/06. Call it coincidence, call it timing, I just like to call it progress. Thank you to everyone who has signed this. Had we done nothing, nothing would have been done. KEEP THE SIGNATURES COMING, WE STILL HAVE A WAY TO GO. SB #944 was introduced by Senator Jane Orie, and cosponsored by 30 other state senators. It was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committe, which Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf is the Chair, in October 2005 and it has not moved since then. CUSP needs your help to get this Bill moving. \"On the CUSP of a safer community\"