Cut USTA Tennis Membership Fees
Tennis Bargains 0

Cut USTA Tennis Membership Fees

102 signers. Add your name now!
Tennis Bargains 0 Comments
102 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are Tennis Players from all across the USA.
Many of us are current or former USTA members.
We love the game of tennis but want to save money too.

As smart and savvy Tennis Bargains Fans & Tennis Consumers, we will be heard!

**We have a Choice and a Voice! We Vote with our $$$**
Sure it would be nice to take part in US Tennis - but it definitely does NOT need to be with USTA. Sign our petition below to request lower fees, and to respect us as Valued Members.

The $44 for 1 year of USTA membership is TOO HIGH!
To actually *play tennis in any USTA event* - any Leagues or Tournaments cost EXTRA Money. This doesn't make sense for new members and those on a budget. It was $30 just a few years ago, now it's almost 50% more?!

"The high price and lack of incentives from USTA prohibits many middle class Americans like myself and my family members to join or renew any longer." - Avid Tennis Player, USA

Option #1:
Try lower-priced options to play tennis!

1) Tennis @ Local Social Events (Free to Join) - [LINK]
2) WTT Rec Leagues (Co-Ed SIngles and Doubles) - [LINK]
3) Neighborhood tennis leagues to join, with no fees - [LINK]

Update: DO NOT JOIN "PlayYourCourt", lots of issues with the owner and harassment reported against at least one of their coaches in the past. Avoid at all costs!

Option #2:
Email our sample letter to USTA and demand change!
**Click HERE to send a Sample Email to USTA Membership Services & Organization**

I've included a sample message address / template / request to help you get started!
They can ignore my emails, but I'm sure if enough of you send it, they'll listen!
Feel free to add your own comments! Thanks for helping us out too!!

What would Dr. Arthur Ashe say to CEO Katrina Adams if he could speak today?!

How is our money being used to spread Education and the love of the Game to future generations? Why are we paying for too many staff and to your increased salary but we the tennis community get less in return:

  • For seniors: Tennis is a great way to stay fit and keep the mind sharp. USTA: Don't steal this gift and their savings from them!
  • For Aspiring young students: have the talent but not the money to pursue Tennis over other sports.
  • For adults on fixed incomes: many just want to try this wonderful sport in America and enjoy competition for the first time without paying a fortune.

Prices for the US Open and USTA Membership directly disenfranchises many people.

  • Some minorities may be less inclined to play a "country club sport".
  • Tennis teaches great habits and morals - let's make it more globally inclusive!
  • Spread the joy and gift of Tennis.
  • Let it be as free as it can be. -

Save this great sport of Tennis in America - PLEASE

We intend to forward our message to our Tennis Friends, Fans and Family. Our message will reach hundreds and hundreds more each month.

Join Hundreds of your fellow Tennis Players.

**Click HERE to send a Sample Email to USTA Membership Services & Organization**

Includes a sample message address / template / requests to help you get started!
They can ignore one email, but I'm sure if enough of you send it, they'll listen!
Feel free to add your own comments! Thanks for helping us out too!!

A Vote for Tennis Bargains, is a Vote for Saving Money with Tennis!
**My name is JC and I endorse this message.**

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