Delaram Ali Should not be Imprisoned

To those who believe in the freedom of humankind ; In an unprecedented development Delaram Ali was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in appeals court. Delaram Ali was tried originally on 29 May 2007 for her participation in the June 12, 2006 protest in support of women\'s rights in Haft-e Tir Square which was violently broken up by police. Delaram was beaten severely during this protest, dragged on the ground by several police officers and subsequently arrested. She suffered a broken arm as a result of these severe beatings. Complaints were filed against police for use of excessive force and violence during the protest, by a number of women including Delaram. Last month though the judiciary found the police innocent in the case and dismissed all charges. In her original trial Delaram was sentenced to 2 years and ten months prison term and 10 lashings, which was reduced to 2 years and 6 months in a ruling issued by the appeals court announced on 4th of November. The courts have contacted Delaram in regards to implementing her sentence by the end of the week. Therefore on 10 November she was supposed to go to Evin prison in Tehran. The verdict has been suspended 3 days before she was due to go to Evin by the Judiciary. However, it is still not clear yet what will be the final decision of the court over this case. Delaram , who is now 24 and a newly-wed, is a social worker who worked for women and children in very poor neighborhoods of Tehran and also worked for several months after the disastrous earthquake in Bam. As a women\'s rights activist she has been enthusiastically fighting for a change of discriminatory laws in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Additionally since the early days of her university studies she has been an active member of the student movement in Iran. Therefore if you believe that we should put an end to this injustice in Iran, and believe that Delaram Ali should not be imprisoned for fighting for the rights of all women in Iran, please sign this petition and pass it on to everyone to stop this sentence. Additionally via the link below you can participate in the International Support for Women\'s Rights Campaign in Iran : http://www.we-change.org/spip.phparticle19