Mohammed Dabbour Out of AUC
We demand the immediate removal of Dr. Mohammed Dabbour from his position as director of the Office of Student Development (OSD). Dabbour is a member of the National Democratic Party (NDP) of Egypt and his connections have led to a heavy monitoring of student activities on AUC property. We will no longer tolerate disregard of our right to privacy and we urge the replacement of Dabbour with a competent and experienced co-ordinator that bears no ties to the NDP and the outgoing regime. Dabbour has offended the students on two levels, one on the level of privacy, the second of occupying an office under false pretenses therefore hindering the ability of students to fully participate in student activities. We will no longer allow for Dabbour to meddle in our student activities and for him to have control over us. If this university wants to work with the rest of the country of Egypt towards re-building a knowledge society that is democratic, safe and free, the administration will replace Dabbour with a person who is not only qualified to hold this position but who will help students grow rather than sell them out to any government body.