At 26 years old Daniel Marson has lived at his current address with his grand-parents all his life. Although Daniel suffers from severe mental health issues which include agoraphobia, after the death of his Nan he took on the full responsibility of looking after his Grandad (or ‘Grand’ as he called him.) ‘Grands’ health was not good and Daniel stayed by his side looking after him for over six years. He called his Grandad his best friend. Sadly ‘Grand’ suddenly passed away on 21st Feb 2010 leaving Daniel feeling lost and alone. Although he has his family around him all he wants is to stay in the house he grew up and feels safe in. Within days of hearing of ‘Grands’ death the local council have said he is a trespasser in his own home and is to be evicted. Please help us with your support to keep Daniel in is home. Thank You So Very Much.... xx