Boycott Olive Garden

My name is Tavasha, but my stage name is Missundastood (Muslim hip hop artist)and I applied for a position as an hostess at Olive Gardens in June 2005.On my second interview I was asked if I was wearing it for fashion or religion. I went on three interviews and after being passed from manager to manager, I was finally told by a manager that although I was qualified for the position they would not hire me due to my hijab. The words they said were \"cultural indifference with the headpiece\". As you are aware religious discrimination is illegal and a violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The New York State Executive Law and the New York City Administrative Code. Such discrimination includes failing to hire a person because of their religious beliefs. The Olive Garden that discriminated against me is located at 505 Gateway Drive, Brooklyn, NY 11239, but I would like for you to boycott all of their family of restaurants owned by the Darden Concepts, Inc. Darden Concepts, Inc. owns Bahamas Breeze, Smokey Bones, Olive Garden, and Red Lobsters. African Americans had a saying back in the times of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. \"Don\'t shop where you can\'t work.\"