Petition to Judge Walsh
Honorable Justice Peter J. Walsh U.S. Bankruptcy Court for District of Delaware 824 Market Street, 6th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 Dear Judge Walsh: We are some of the owners of properties involved in the DBSI bankruptcy case now before your court. We understand that the point has been made in your courtroom that most owners are satisfied with the way DBSI has treated them as evidenced by the lack of an out pouring of letter to the court to the contrary. Please understand that the exact opposite is true. To date, the owner's objective has been to not inundate the court with individual letters that tell of all our personal hardships. To that end, we forward this petition with multiple signatures, so you are aware of the depth of pain and the number of people who have suffered. With over 10,000 individual investors, it is not possible for us to reach them all, but this is a small indication of how people feel. We now stand to lose a portion of our life savings. This will seriously affect our retirement. This was considered a safe investment. We are losing everything and as usual the only people gaining are the attorneys on all sides. The lenders and their attorneys are now starting to line up at the TIC trough. Our reserves and silo funds are either secreted away somewhere or are lost by a failed business model or worse a fraudulent one. Our intention as owners is to regain control of our property, try to keep them out of foreclosure, join with the lenders in a win-win relationship and move forward in our lives. Many will fall short of this goal as there is no saving the property. Some will partially succeed. A small group will come out with having only the lost the money DBSI has drained from us through legal maneuvering over the past months. Your Honor, please keep in mind that we cannot reach all 10,000+ owners for their individual input, but this is a sampling from those we can reach. Respectfully submitted DBSI investors