Debby Sarasota County Petition

Debby Sarasota County Petition
We, as residents and tax payers of Sarasota County, have all been affected by the recent severe flooding disaster in our community. Many neighbors have lost their homes or have substantial repairs with insurance questionable for many who had no idea they could be subject to such a disaster. It will take some time to put a cost to this disaster. One thing is for sure, we have all realized we are all vulnerable and there is a lot of uncertainty. For some, recovery might be unattainable. We are requesting the following:
- A Comprehensive Hydrology Study
We need to know why this happened, what is the extent of the problem, where else in the County are we vulnerable, how can further damage be prevented and what are prevention options? At least 3 reputable providers must be considered with transparency to us and benchmark reports. A monitoring component must be included. Quality is a priority and there should be no connection for who is hired with local developers.
- Land use changes in vulnerable watersheds should be paused
Pause Comprehensive Plan amendments including but not limited to changes to the 2050 Plan, rezonings, special exceptions and any UDC change that will increase density and intensity of development projects in the vulnerable areas.
- Waste water spillage analysis report and prevention plan
With over 6 million gallons of wastewater spillage an incident report must be completed including activating a prevention plan, updating and activating a beach routine water sampling and public warning and signage system to protect the health and safety of our residents, visitors and animals as HB 165 takes effect.
It seems no one anticipated the flooding that took place and still is precipitated by Debby. We are going to experience more storms soon. Ignoring the significance of what we have just experienced is irresponsible particularly in your position as our County Commissioners. Transparency will be of the essence as we navigate solutions for the health and safety of our community.
We. the undersigned, want the hydrology study, land use pause and wastewater spillage and prevention plan to be initiated now.