Protect our businesses by declaring our right to alter our government

Kate Brown and the State of Oregon executive agencies:
For the greater part of 2020, our State has been under the thumb of your executive assumed authority, regarding the perceived threat of a virus. This assumed authority has been nothing but abusive to the People of this State. I am not here to argue the semantics or the legality of these actions, I am here stating that the line in the sand that we toe, will not be crossed.
Our stance is simply as follows. We do not believe that the numbers, data, and facts surrounding this emergency action warrant the extreme measures and actions this State has taken against our people and businesses. We have had enough, and we are ending your authority over the matter. Article 1 Section 1 of our Oregon Constitution reads:
We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
The People of Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook and Wheeler Counties are formed in a social compact, and declare the power lies inherently upon our shoulders. We are claiming our right to alter, reform, or abolish our government in a manner we think proper.
We declare by the authority given to Us in the Oregon Constitution that all executive orders beginning with 20-03 and any related to the COVID 19 virus are unconstitutional, null and void of force.
We declare to a candid State that these executive actions do not meet the standards set in the Oregon constitution to create law or force of law. The orders fail to adhere to Article 1 Section 20 and Article 10 subsection A of the Oregon Constitution. Rule and law that fails to meet the standards establish by the constitution are by definition, null and void of force; therefor any attempt to threaten, fine, force or coerce any person or business into compliance with any rule or regulation that has been instituted under the unconstitutional executive orders will be met with stiff resistance. We declare that any action taken against our communities by any government agent acting upon these unlawful mandates will be considered hostile, illegal, and we hold the right to protect ourselves and our businesses by any means necessary against the assault. We will not allow our neighbors to be abused any longer by this rogue government action.
We declare to a candid State that we are free people, capable of choosing our own paths and that we will not allow ourselves to be coerced any longer. We shall no longer allow our businesses to be threatened. We simply choose to decide for ourselves how we will protect our own health, and our own lives. We declare that People are free to choose to wear a mask or to not wear a mask. People are free to choose to vaccinate or not, and business owners are free to choose to enact policy as they see fit.
In conclusion, we are a peaceful people who do not want violence, but we are prepared to defend ourselves and our neighbors accordingly. We demand that any action taken by this State surrounding these stated executive orders against our people and businesses end now, and that any fine, or legal action instituted against businesses be dropped immediately. Understand that we do not state these matters lightly, and we intend to protect ourselves, neighbors, businesses, and communities from all enforcement attempts.