Declassify All 9/11 Documents

We the undersigned, including 9/11 families, survivors, first responders, and their supporters petition the Executive Branch of the Government of the United States to release complete and unredacted versions of all documents related to the investigations of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
The September 11th attacks are the most intensively investigated crime in history. Yet, aside from one minor al Qaeda operative, there have been no indictments, no prosecutions, hence no convictions for the murder of 2,977 people.
The FBI, CIA and other Departments of the United States Government investigated the attacks. A Congressional Joint Inquiry and the 9/11 Commission based their reports on these investigations. All ten 9/11 Commissioners pledged to release the complete 9/11 Commission Archive by 2009. It did not happen. In addition the FBI, the CIA and others have consistently refused to release thousands of documents, many of which are over a decade old.
After nearly 17 years there is no credible National Security reason to continue to withhold documents.
In withholding documents responsive to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests,
- the Department of Justice insisted on “an authorization (privacy waiver) signed by Usama Bin Laden.”
- The FBI claimed they could not violate the privacy of the convicted Al Qaeda terrorists in the Supermax prison in Colorado, and others at GITMO including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
- The State Department demanded the hijackers death certificates.
The government has put the privacy al Qaeda terrorists above our right to know.
When the FBI has released documents, either via FOIA or being forced by Court order, the documents are heavily redacted and have contributed to the confusion and ambiguity surrounding the origin of the September 11th Attacks.
Therefore, It is time for;
The President of the United States
The Director of the FBI
The Director of National Intelligence
The Director of the CIA
The Director of the National Archives
The Attorney General
The Secretary of State
The Secretary of the Treasury
The Secretary of Defense
The Secretary of Homeland Security
to immediately declassify and publicly release all complete and un-redacted records pertaining to investigations of the September 11th Attacks.