Deer Park P.S. Air Safety Concern
Shaun Chapman 0

Deer Park P.S. Air Safety Concern

137 signers. Add your name now!
Shaun Chapman 0 Comments
137 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

(Update Nov. 20) Thanks to everyone for signing the petition and making proactive calls to; the Councillor's office, Toronto Public Health, the TDSB and news outlets. I'm sure these efforts have made a difference in the push for proper management of health and safety at the school.

The school is now promising ongoing air quality tests from both the TDSB’s Facilities and Health and Safety teams and Toronto Public Health so the goals of this petition have essentially (and to date) been met.

(Update Nov. 19, noon) The roofing operation is temporarily postponed due to the anticipation of rain. As far as I've heard the work will resume as soon as possible and during school hours.

(Update Nov. 17, midnight) CBC News aired a story on the situation. Story starts at 10:55 into the broadcast.

(Update Nov. 17, 10 pm) The Vice Principal's email states that the asphalting will likely resume on Thursday. Shuffling the kids throughout the school doesn't seem like an acceptable solution. Please keep spreading the word about this petition. The comment section has many powerful notes, thanks. Other news outlets are interested in picking up this story.

(Update Nov. 17, 2 pm) Josh Matlow's office called to say the work site is now shut down until Thursday, pending a Toronto Public Health Dep't investigation. Please still consider signing the petition in case they try to resume work on Thursday.

(Update Nov. 17, 12 pm) Some parents are calling Councillor Josh Matlow's office with their concerns. Our hope is to get some action by the end of the day. Call to 416-392-7906.

(Update Nov. 17) Some parents are calling Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 for faster action than this petition. Please consider calling them.

(Update Nov. 17) The secretary at the school said that many parents are calling in but as yet the Principal (away sick) and the Vice Principal have not yet communicated anything about the issue.

(Update Jan.16). The roof is being coated with asphalt not tar as I originally stated. I've edited the references and links to be relevant to asphalt, which in my limited knowledge appears to be as dangerous as tar)


There are many concerned parents and teachers about the air safety during the roof asphalting currently in operation during school hours at Deer Park Public School. Parents are experiencing health issues/concerns about their children's safety.

A teacher at the school has notified parents that Air Quality Inspectors visited the school on Nov. 15 and deemed some classrooms unsafe. This teacher also communicated that they were personally experiencing an irritated throat, headaches and fatigue. This teacher also forwarded support for parents who wish to keep their children at home.

I was told by my child that a child fainted and was taken by ambulance to emergency over a week ago. This may have been from the asphalt fumes.

Please sign this petition if you would like to request communication from the school regarding;

- a confirmation that the air quality is deemed safe in all rooms of the school as well as outdoors during all school hours.

- frequent progress reports on actions taken to solve the problem as well as air quality inspection reports

- a reason why the asphalt operation cannot be rescheduled to non-school hours (like evenings, weekends and holidays).

We are forwarding our concerns (and this petition) to D.P.P.S., The T.D.S.B. and City Councillor Josh Matlow.

*** Please forward this petition to other parents of Deer Park students.


Notes from the internet...

(link) From the US Dep't of Labor; "Health effects from exposure to asphalt fumes include headache, skin rash, sensitization, fatigue, reduced appetite, throat and eye irritation, cough, and skin cancer."

(link) A school in Etobicoke had their school roof asphalt postponed until March Break a result of parents' protests.

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