Deering Road Speed Enforcement by APD
Deering Road is a major cut through between I-75 and West Midtown and Midtown/South Buckhead that cuts through the Loring Heights Residential Neighborhood. Excessive speeding is experienced on a daily level by residents living along Deering, walking along the sidewalk and attempting to cross the busy collector street to experience the activities we have on both sides of Deering Road. We request that the Atlanta Police Department consider setting up consistent, continuous and frequent speed enforcement at the bottom of the "Deering Hill" - approximate locations being Steele and Deering and Hascall and Deering, to enforce the 30 mile an hour speed limit to promote safety within the Loring Heights Neighborhood. We also request that our Councilperson, Yolanda Adrean, as well as the three at-large Councipersons as well as the Mayor's office support this through direct contact with the APD.