Delaware at least 1 forensic child abuse investigative and counseling service in each CPS Region
Delaware state has its own CPS, and legal outline on how to have certain officials adjust the current laws to better suit the needs of others in the CPS and Governmental protocols.
All too often Children are without the services they need in each state. This could be in general or it could be due to location. A lot of times Level one areas like bigger cities with hospitals have the forensic expert services that are needed to assist with certain CPS case investigations. It is up to CPS personnel to transfer those cases, when needed. It is neglectful to not do this in the right circumstances. All too often we see corrupt CPS personnel and this is one of the ways they can abuse and neglect children and their power.
Delaware Legislation should make sure that there is at least one level 1 service center in each CPS region, so that it wouldn't be necessary to transfer the case.
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