Delete the VideoGamePhenom article on Encyclopedia Dramatica!
Shawn Fenn West Palm Beach 0

Delete the VideoGamePhenom article on Encyclopedia Dramatica!

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Shawn Fenn West Palm Beach 0 Comments
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Encyclopedia Dramatica is a shock site that was founded in 2004, using technology borrowed from Wikipedia to post obscene and mature-rated content on the web. In addition to that, the site has also been used to attack innocent people by posting their personal information on the site and false stories as well. What was recently found on ED is a false and increasingly disturbing article that attacks a rising YouTube star, which does indeed contain personal and confidential information plus some fake news and other unnecessary postings. All of the work done on the attack page was done by someone who has been cyber stalking that YouTube star. What is posted on the article is extremely libel, slanderous, and defamatory to the person's civil rights. Clearly, all the leaked classified information has no place on the web and MUST be removed immediately.

As of now, we must stand as one in an effort to pressure the ED admins to delete the VideoGamePhenom article. If you support this petition, please sign. Thank you for your support.

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