Petition for Amalgamated Dwellings Inc to hold its 2020 Annual Meeting and Board Elections
To: Secretary James Mauro & President Abe Bragin
Amalgamated Dwellings Inc. - Board of Directors
504 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002
August 21, 2020 (revised 9.11.20)
We, the undersigned Stockholders of the Amalgamated Dwellings Inc., demand the 2020 Annual Meeting and Board Elections be held in accordance with our ByLaws and not postponed until January 11, 2021.
The Annual Stockholder's Meeting and Election “shall be held in the month of January each and every year.” (ByLaws; Articles I & II and the Resolution of December 2014).
Let it be noted the 2020 meeting was postponed until March 2020, then postponed until September 2020 due to COVID-19, and has now been postponed to January 2021.
This goes against the rules established in our ByLaws.
In accordance with Section 2, Article I, Special Meetings can be called for any purpose at any time, at the request in writing of 25% of the stockholders.
We submit this written notice and petition stating specifically that the purpose for this Special Meeting be for the Cooperative to hold its 2020 Annual Stockholders Meeting and Board Elections.
This Special Meeting is to be held within 45 calendar days of the receipt of this notice at a time and date set by the Board of Directors and no later than October 15, 2020.
An Annual Meeting for 2021 should also be scheduled soon after. Afterwards, Annual Meetings should occur in January, as per the ByLaws and Amendments.
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and related safety concerns, and since the New York State and City guidelines may still restrict large indoor, in-person gatherings, we call for the “place” of the meeting to be held via Zoom or another secure, virtual meeting platform as deemed appropriate and viable by Yes Elections.