Digital Wellness Alliance (DWA) 0

Demand Federal Regulation of Video Games

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Digital Wellness Alliance (DWA) 0 Comments
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Adam B. signed just now

All across the country, adults and children suffer from an epidemic of video game addiction. This crisis is covered up by media who are paid by the 106 billion dollar video game industry.

They are profiting from our families' suffering. Many countries already take needed steps to regulate video games, which like any other vice such as gambling and alcohol carries a large risk of addiction and harm.

Most families in the country have an addicted gamer in the house. Sometimes its a husband losing all his time to games. Sometimes it's a child who can't stop playing to do his homework. When other family members try to intervene, they are met with hostility, and the problem just gets worse. This is a toxic situation that needs to change.

Video games have been found in research to function just like hard drugs. They take over your reward system so that normal activities don't feel as good. It's impossible for most gamers to play the doctor-recommended 1 hour per day. But we don't treat them as drugs because so many families think they can rely on them as babysitters etc. This system of letting this drug be open and barely regulated is resulting in the disaster we see unfolding today.

This petition is to get the conversation started. The American people have had to suffer in silence for too long on this issue. Politics on video game regulation has always been hard because there is so much profit to be made. But it's time to put our own health and happiness above those profits.

If this petition gets enough support, we will then form a group and take this mandate to congress and start the process of change.

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