Demand Jon Husted's Resignation Now

This petition is to demand Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted immediately step down from office. He has been using partisan practices to disenfranchise Ohio voter's in the interest of making sure that counties that tend to vote Democrat don't have sufficient voter turn out and when opposed by Democrats on the electoral board ( Dennis Lieberman and Tom Ritchie) suspended them for not voting with him making the electoral board completely republican. This behavior is a clear attempt to cheat Ohio voters, and undermine the United States Constitution. If he will not respect our rights to vote in the presidential election then we will join together to remove him from office. For information on his recent activities: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/08/18/democratic-members-of-ohio-election-board-removed-for-supporting-voter-rights/ http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/news/local-govt-politics/husted-suspends-democrats-on-montgomery-county-boa/nRDx5/