![Demanding the Resignation of Dara Khosrowshahi as CEO of Uber](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/demand-the-resignation-of-dara-khosrowshahi-as-ceo/803678d5fb466bdf3cb1742d3744edd3.jpg)
Demanding the Resignation of Dara Khosrowshahi as CEO of Uber
We have given you a year.
In that year,
You have cut our ability to earn a reasonable wage through direct pay cuts, predatory policies, and deceptive policies in virtually every market in which Uber operates,
You have shown dishonesty in claiming our pay cannot be increased because higher rates would cut demand while simultaneously raising rates for riders, not including us in the increased revenue,
You have shown utter contempt for us, repeatedly campaigning actively and publicly against all public policies that could improve our lives as drivers,
You have used the money we have made for Uber to financially support causes which many of us do not similarly support rather than treating us fairly,
You have treated us as if we are children, easily swayed by the slightest gesture (eg 180 Days of Change and the new app) while consistently ignoring the real issues,
You have put us at risk of losing our livelihoods with your reckless and irresponsible behavior with regulators in the communities we serve,
You have irreparably harmed the reputation of quality drivers by constantly lowering standards in order to flood markets with unnecessary vehicles hired from a shrinking pool of candidates,
You have claimed you are listening to us, yet do not respond to any form of social media while hand picking friendly audiences for forums and limiting responses on surveys,
You have established a track record of dishonesty in touting policy changes as good for us where even the smallest degree of discernment makes clear they are not,
You have systematically stolen from riders using deceptive "upfront pricing," harming our reputation and potentially reducing riders' likelihood of tipping,
You have ignored every one of our voices clamoring for fairness, and as such, we deem you unfit to be our leader.
Therefore, the undersigned hereby call for your resignation as CEO of Uber, effective immediately, with your complete separation from any governance or leadership role of any kind within the company or its board of directors.