Demand to Return Israel's Fallen Soldiers Hadar Goldin ohm & Oron Shaul obm Killed in Action 2014 and Held by Hamas
In the summer of 2014, during Israel's Tsuk Eitan / Operation Protective Edge the defensive war against Hamas terror attacks, soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces were tasked with going into the “terrorist tunnels” to destroy the tunnels and missile arsenals used by Hamas to launch attacks Israeli cities and civilians.
In that war, Israeli soldiers Hadar Goldin ob’m and Oron Shaul ob’m were killed in action and their bodies were dragged into the terrorist tunnels by Hamas. For the last three years, Hamas has refused to return them to their parents so that they can be given proper burials.
Hamas’ holding and attempts to ransom the bodies / remains of Israel’s soldiers killed in action is unconscionable and violates rules of engagement.
As a condition to the United States' future discussions regarding Middle East peace, the United States include a demand of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas that IDF soldiers Hadar Goldin ob’m and Oron Shaul ob’m (killed in action in 2014 Tsuk Eitan / Operation Protective Edge) must be returned so they can be laid to rest by their families and all Israel.
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