Demands for The Cable, St. Kitts to Improve Service
We demand that the Cable Company improve its customer service and maintain better public relations with its customers. Below is a list of complaints that we believe need to be addressed right away!
--For years, customers have been subject to paying for faulty cable boxes to which a fee is attached whether the box works or not. A change MUST be made where you only pay for the box if it WORKS! Bills should be pro-rated to account for the time the box was inoperable.
--During down time when the customers lack service, the customers are NOT compensated. This goes hand in hand with the faulty cable box issue. We should only pay for service received. Bills should be pro-rated when there are service interruptions.
--The Cable Company changes packages, ie, removes premium channels, replacing them with less appealing channels, without any consultation with its customers. This is totally unacceptable. As customers, we demand that consultation is involved, and that choices are provided to customers when changes are made to packages.
--When premium channels are replaced with inferior channels, the customers pay the same monthly rates. This practice MUST be stopped.
--ZIZ, the state local channel should be free.
We the undersigned, demand the Cable Company takes immediate action to address the complaints of the customers outlined herein.
SIGN ONLY ONE PETITION PLEASE! If you already signed a paper petition, you do not need to sign this online one. Just forward this link to others so that we can collect the necessary signatures. Thank you.