Petition for moon to be demoted
Why he should be demoted:
Ever since Moon joined the Abyss Discord server, his behavior has become increasingly problematic. Initially hired to replace Birdy, he has demonstrated traits of being:
- More Aggressive: Moon has become more aggressive towards users.
- Unjust Punishments: He's been banning and muting users without clear reasons, causing frustration.
- Neglecting Responsibilities: He's not fulfilling his duties, like helping with support tickets.
It should also be known that Moon is breaking a rule that HE created: Admin Abuse.
My Personal Experiences with Moon:
I had to mute Moon as a moderator on Mars' server since he had been rude when he first joined. He silenced me for seven days on the Abyss server in retaliation, and when I asked an admin for help, Moon deleted all the evidence.
Moon failed to intervene when a similar argument erupted on another occasion. In reality, he rewarded one of the person with the Respected role.
It is obvious that Moon's actions call for a review of his position and possible downsizing.
Recommended Improvements:
Nexus should think about implementing these modifications in addition to dealing with Moon's behavior:
Clear Record-Keeping: Moderators should keep a record of everything they do, including the justifications for any sanctions. This guarantees openness and supports parties in conflict.
Better Staff Selection: To make sure moderators and administrators have the proper abilities and personalities, the recruiting procedure has to be more meticulous and selective.
Accountability: Implement a clear policy for handling staff misconduct. Take appropriate and consistent action, such as demoting a moderator, when they exhibit unacceptable behavior.
These adjustments will result in a moderating team that is more responsible and accountable, building a welcoming community for all users.