Denounce Antifa
After support for the removal of Confederate statues, which are all symbols of American history whether we like it or not, we implore all who despise the destruction of freedom of speech and demonstration by Antifa, to sign this petition as a symbol of freedom to be protected against the true fascists of the nation. For example, Robert E. Lee himself was against slavery and secession. The Antifa organization has called for not only the removal of Confederate statues, but also the removal of memorials and symbols that commemorate US presidents such as Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was in fact a slave owner. However he drafted our very own Declaration of Independence. He was also very involved in the writings of the US Constitution which highly differ from Antifa's intolerant views against conservative political views. We ask that Antifa be called out for bringing about violence and hatred in the name of fighting fascism when they, the true fascists, seek to silence and suppress opposing social and political ideas.