DENY Zoning Change Request - 10112 Plainfield Dr. New Orleans, La

DENY Zoning Change Request - 10112 Plainfield Dr. New Orleans, La

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I, the undersigned resident of Lake Barrington Subdivision New Orleans, Louisiana 70128, bounded by I‑10 Service and Morrison Roads, Wright Road and Berg Canal, located within Councilmanic District "E" and Third Municipal District, herby petition the City Planning Commission and City Council of New Orleans to take necessary actions to Deny the Zoning Change request by Family Resources of New Orleans, Inc. and James Ramsey for property located on Square 24; Lot 2-C2 and 2C-1 bearing municipal addresses 10112, 10100-10122, 10200-10222 Plainfield Road from RM-2E Eastern New Orleans Residential District (adopted S-RS Suburban Single Family Residential District) to C-2 General Commercial District.

I the undersigned OBJECT to the proposed request for the following reasons:

It is inconsistent with the current Land Use Category RSF-Post (Residential Single Family Post-War) of The Plan for the 21st Century (Masterplan). In accordance with City Charter Section 5-404. - Master Plan (3) Legal Effects of Master Plan. (d) A Land Use Action is consistent with the Master Plan if the Land Use Action: (2) Is compatible with the proposed future land uses, densities, and intensities designated in the Land Use Element of the Master Plan.

  • As adjacent property owners we believe that our property rights and values will be adversely affected by a General Commercial zoning amendment at the proposed site.
  • To rezone from low-density residential use to a General Commercial District, setback and height provisions, allowing for various ranges of higher density and intensity uses, will all contribute to altering the essential character of the neighborhood.
  • According to the US Standard State Zoning Enabling Act, cities are empowered to regulate and restrict Land Uses for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals and general welfare. So therefore, we believe that this rezoning is not being enacted for the benefit of the public and the adjacent property owners but rather for the private benefit of the applicant to make way for an undesirable and incompatible development.
  • We also have reason to believe based the series of events that a rezoning for the petition site can be considered as unconstitutional under the due process and equal protection provisions of the state and federal constitutions.
  • The uses of land requires the coming together of a complex set of social, economic and physical forces, held together by a vision (often inchoate) of the desired outcome by all parties.

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