Develop 16th/18th and Peoria

As residents of Pilsen, University Village and other surrounding neighborhoods, we fully support a smart, appropriate development on the empty lots at 16th Street and Peoria Street. Empty lots provide no benefit to our neighborhoods, and development would bring much-needed density to local businesses as well as additional tax revenue for the city. We also support the inclusion of community members in the planning process for any proposed development.
Developments have been proposed for years; however, the land hasn't even been re-zoned, let alone approved for any development. Please sign our petition to let the City know that we, some of the closest neighbors to this site, fully support this land being developed.
For more info about the site and one proposed development, please read this DNAinfo article. You can also view the site via Google Maps.
DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated with any developer, the current owners of the land or the City of Chicago: we are independent residents with a large stake in what happens with this land.