Diablo 3: ask for better uptime
Dear Blizzard team, Before the release of Diablo 3 a petition was signed by fans to request an offline mode like you did for Starcraft 2 (http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/diablo-3-offline-single-player-petition.html). You didn't. We know that game cracking is a problem and we do understand that the online mode is the way you choose with Diablo 3 to fight against this. We really don't like it since it can reduce the availlability of the game (local internet provider outage, offline computers ...) but we have to accept it. What we don't understand and accept is the related connexion problems that often occurs since the Diablo 3 release because of technical problems or maintenance operations. Because of its persistant world a MMORPG usually have periodically maintenance windows. Gamers know it and accept it. The point is : Diablo 3 is not a MMORPG. There is no persistant world. Gamers would want to be able playing at anytime of the day or the night at least in single player mode. We now have to remind the difference between uptime and availlability. The "service uptime" refers to the ability to conduct business in the event of partial system failure or unexpected demand. The "service availability" is a measure of the ability of clients to connect with and use a resource at any point in time. If a resource is not available, clients cannot use it. Local network outage, offline computers affects the "service availability". So the service can be up but not available to some gamers. The first is your responsibility. The second is not but is the justification to the first petition cited at the begining. As a Diablo 3 fans, we, the undersigned, ask you to take any technical decisions it is necessary to improve the uptime of the Diablo 3 technical infrastructure as defined in the preceding paragraph by: - being as closer as you can of 24/24 * 7/7 - at least for single player