Diablo 4 - Increase the number of character slots

The current system in place limiting the number of characters per
account is starting to reach the point where even keeping one character
from each season and launch is no longer going to be viable.
This petition has been created in the hopes of catching blizzards attention through sheer numbers signatures. So please sign!
we can understand the logic of limiting the number of characters in
order to prevent players from creating endless amounts of mules as we
did in D2. This inadvertently hinders loyal and dedicated players who
have invested large amounts of time and effort in each season from being
able to revisit past seasonal characters, while maintaining a healthy
amount of open spots for alts in the current season.
I can only
offer my personal grievances as an example, but I am sure there are
plenty of other players out there coming to same conclusion.
I have 5
eternal sorcerers, one from launch and one each from seasons 1-4. I
also, in week two, have 4x 100 seasonal characters. In a season or two, I
will personally reach a point where I will need to decide between
playing alts/limiting the amount of alts I play. Or deleting previous
seasonal characters I have been keeping.
a retired character list that you can opt characters into from the
eternal realhm - Perhaps the stash and trading can be disabled on these
characters to prevent them being used as mules? While still allowing us
to revisit previous seasonal builds.