Funding Allocation for Genevieve Didion K-8 School
Sacramento Unified School Board (SCUSD) and Superintendent Jonathan P. Raymond From: Genevieve Didion Save Our School (SOS) Committee and concerned community members and parents Funding for Basic Operational Expenses 1. We request that the district review the state priorities outlined in the new Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and ensure that our school site receives full funding of our School and Library Improvement Block Grant (SLIBG) at 2009-10 levels. This will provide money for basic operational expenses which include: supplies and materials, copier supplies, library books, computers, tutoring, and other needs. Funding for Identified Student Needs 2. Rigorous outcomes are to be set for each student under the new Local Control Funding Formula. We request the district work in partnership with our school to provide adequate funding to meet those goals. We believe the district must first carefully review our School Development and Improvement Plan before incorporating those goals into its own district-wide Local Control and Accountability Plan. Community Meeting to Address Funding Shortfalls 3. We request that the board member who represents Genevieve Didion (Darrel Woo) commit to holding a community meeting with district officials to explain how the current inadequate funding will be addressed under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).