Make Digg a Community Website again!

Power users are controlling digg... Many people have great submissions and they never become popular. Here's a quote from one of Digg's very own users "Just as an exemplary anecdote, I've been a user on here for nearly three years now. I read digg on a casual basis further back than that prior to signing up. In the first two years after I joined, I submitted stuff fairly regularly. Maybe once or twice a week or so. In those two years, I think maybe three to four submissions made it to the front page. Back around February or March of this year, I submitted something I thought was pretty cool that had a decent chance of making the front page. I did it on break at work and checked digg when I got home to see how it did. The story made it to the front page allright, but it was a submission made after mine from MrBabyMan that used the same exact story with a slightly different URL. I realized there was no point. I'm running across cool and funny stuff on the web all the time, and I'd love to share it with the community. But since I'm not friending people left and right for inane and arbitrary reasons, I know it'll never become popular. And if I DO find something that could make it to the front page, one of the power users will swoop in for the kill. It's not really a matter of who gets credit for the popular story to me. ( Since we're so prone to be the poor man's 4Chan, we might as well all be anonymous.) The problem is since I know that if I am discouraged and have given up on submitting stuff, I have to wonder how many other casual users of this site are doing the same because they also realize that its simply pointless. Surely there are tons of users who have found useful, funny, ..dare I say it .. NEW stuff that isn't getting to the front page because of this and because of the stranglehold that the power users have on this place. Digg hasn't been a democracy for a long time. It's an oligarchy." -danielrh9 Power Users on Digg are controlling Sign this petition and digg this article if you want to see a change... I don't care how digg does it but they need to balance the system.