Thousands of people fleeing conflict or persecution seek sanctuary in Britain. Three out of four of them are refused, but for various reasons it is impossible for them to return to their home country. They remain here, often for long periods of time, living in poverty, lacking adequate support from public services, and denied the right to support themselves by taking paid work. Believing that such people deserve to be treated fairly, humanely and with dignity, we call on the Government to :- - end the threat and use of destitution as a tool of Government policy against refused asylum seekers; - provide all asylum-seekers with adequate financial support and access to public services, including health care and education; - give such support in the form of cash, and end the use of supermarket gift cards; - allow asylum-seekers, including those whose application has been refused, the right to work if, after six months in the asylum process, they have neither left the UK nor been given leave to remain.