Direct flight Townsville New Zealand
There is a rumour afoot, that Freedom Air is considering direct flights between Townsville and New Zealand!!!! We all know that Townsville is a fabulous place to live with a great climate and beautiful environment, let alone tip-top people, as the many Kiwis who live here would agree (approximately 20% of the immigrant population). But sometimes us Kiwis would like to make the dash across the Tasman to check in on family, friends and the greenery of our homeland. Whilst we can do this via Cairns, Brisbane or Sydney, it is usually at minimum an 8 hour journey and the cost of a double flight. This prohibits frequent flying to NZ by residents, limits tourism of friends and family wanting to see where we are, let alone escape from the NZ winter. In addition, there are a lot of other Townsvillians who would love the opportunity to fly to NZ, for its scenic beauty, the snow season and cheap holidays. So, we would like to start a Trans-Tasman community petition to further encourage Freedom Air to seriously consider this option, thereby supporting local residents, Trans-Tasman relations, cheap holidays and all sorts of tourism opportunities. Please support this petition - Thank you!