Dismiss the case against Joshua Blunt unfairly targeted in mistake that took is 8 month daughter
Joshua Blunt drove to work and made a fatal mistake when he forgot to drop his 8 month year old daughter off at her grandmother's house - something out of his normal routine. It's a fatal mistake that has happened tragically to a number of parents during this hot summer. The loss of his daughter has devastated Mr. Blunt.
The same tragic accident happened in Madison county in May 2016, and a grand jury declined to bring charges against the mother who is caucasian. Mr. Blunt is a young black man and of low socioeconomic status and still faces potential charges.
The district attorney and city prosecutor are seeking to prosecute Mr. Blunt, initially for murder - now potentially for culpable negligence for which Mr. Blunt would serve jail time.
If you believe it is inhumane and incongruent with the spirit of our laws - which are an imperfect expression of our values - please join us by signing this petition.
This tragic mistake will haunt Joshua Blunt for a lifetime. Please don't let the imperfection of our system and it's inherent biases further damage this young man.