Disney Animated classics

Disney Animation is a pure magical, pure imagination, living a fairytale a fantasy and can b 4 kids, But few/some of them r the most acclaimed disney classics of all time, Oscars award-winning golden globe nominees, nominated for best pictures and The winner of 2 academy awards and best songs, and it shows award-winning composers and lyricist. Few/some of them are medieval centuries, mythological, shows christians, gospel, shows something ancient, Epic, biological, historical, mystical,mystery solving sight scenes, discoveries, award-winning musical, prehistoric, tells what it is based on, tells the story, fun, but governmental work sight scenes,shows some westerns, & nature scenes,video gaming demo like, adventures, scientific, all dozens of wonderful new disney characters, shows actions, it shows some military war fight scenes, high speed chasing, shows loving passion, shows depression in a good way, and shows a happy ending, and shows futuristic. It shows computer technology, computer graphics animation (CGI), it shows some research where it took places at like disney artists drew their inspiration work by sketching and studying the real thing some of those subjects were even invited right into the studio. And last but not least it also leads up from the creators of Wreck-it Ralph & Frozen comes where disney and marvel team up together to create their Disney's 54th all new heroic Full-length Animated film Big Hero 6 and it's coming 2 theaters in Disney digital 3D & real D this holiday season.