Disolution of Land grab/lease/contract in Mukaya Pojulu area in general
Mukaya Payam Community Petition for dissolution of land deals sold to investors without consultations of Mukaya community in particular and Pojulu in General. The Land Lease/contract between the Mukaya Payam cooperative and the Nile Trading & Development, A Delaware Corporation of the State of Delaware. This deal or contract is a criminal act against the community; Scopas Lodus Torujo, Samuel Taban Youziel and James Yosia Ramadalla acted upon and abused the powers entrusted to them by the community. This Said Land belongs to the community, not to the chief, neither the judge nor the witness. It is a crime for individual to sell/lease or contract a land out to the investors that does not belong to them. It is a criminal act that violates the CPA on issues of the land. We therefore as the community do hereby reject such an act/ deal/ contract/lease or agreement and will not tolerate future agreements such as this. It is best if the Nile trading & Development agrees to invest on these so called lands on the basis of profit sharing with a unanimous agreement of the whole community. As of now nobody is entitled that includes the chief himself to lease any land which has been past to the community from their ancestors. Let us be aware, that includes the partners in this self-centered lease that more than 70% of the people in this community are still in refuge abroad. Attached are signatures from the community as a statement of act to nullify the said Land/Lease deal in the Mukaya Payam, Pojulu Area. The Nile Trading & Development should seek to claim back any initial fees incurred in such a transaction deal from those individual they had contracted the deal with.