Dispute Unfair Actions taken against MOBE Inc, MOBE Ltd & any subsidiaries

We wish to put on record our dispute with recent actions taken by the FTC against MOBE Inc, MOBE Ltd & any subsidiaries, including the takeover of all websites and disruptive halt to business. We further claim and put on record our support for MOBE, Inc, its CEO Matt Lloyd, Executives Russell Whitney Jr & Susan Zanghi, and ask that a swift and timely resolve come upon this matter.
We view these actions to be unfair, unnecessary and an intrusion on our 1st Amendment Rights and our Economic Liberties.
We wish ALL MOBE Inc sites be reinstated to the proper owners of the Company immediately and be allowed to run as it always has, in compliance with US laws pertaining to proper business practices.
The purpose of this petition is to address recent investigative actions taken in regards to MOBE Inc and it's CEO Matt Lloyd. While we understand the role of the FTC strives to protect private citizens, we as a group, all being students of MOBE Inc's Entrepreneurial training, from across the world, view the complete shutdown as an intrusion and violation to our rights as private citizens and business owners to have access to our network which provides both support, training and a stream of livelihood for numerous persons across the USA and World. We view this as an unfair attack against a successful business training system which was created to empower and train other Entrepreneurs.
MOBE Inc training products and community is about equipping generations of Entrepreneurs to thrive in the current World we live in. It is training taught by Leaders in many industries who have proven track records and bring their knowledge and wisdom to empower Entrepreneurs in their own lives and businesses.
We request ALL MOBE sites be reinstated to the proper owners of the Company and be allowed to run as it always has, in compliance with all ethical US laws.
We further request the immediate reinstatement of certain platforms including but not limited to:
- release sufficient eWallet funds to cover affiliate commissions due from sales prior to these actions. We are all independent business owners & you are holding the rightful incomes of hundreds of individuals/families across the world!
- We have chosen, as individuals in good solid mind, to pay for our business education & request that MOBE.com be reinstated so we as students & rightful owners of those products might be able to access them.
We wholeheartedly, completely and unequivocally attest to our own personal support for, belief in and gratitude for the 'real world' training received through MOBE Inc. and wish this 'investigation' to be delivered swiftly and fairly for all involved.