DLIFLC Locality Back Pay
This petition is written in support of the Faculty and Staff at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center at the Presidio of Monterey regarding their unpaid "locality back pay" from January 2001 to July 2017.
Monterey was included in the San Francisco Locality Pay Area in January 2001. Unfortunately, the faculty and staff at DLIFLC were deprived of their locality pay. After many years of relentless efforts, faculty and staff at DLIFLC were successful in receiving their locality pay last year. However, efforts to convince the higher echelons at DLIFLC to redeem the back pay has remained fruitless.
We, the undersigned faculty and staff at DLIFLC, hereby, request the honorable Dianne Feinstein, the honorable Kamala Harris, the Office of Special Counsel, and the Merit Systems Protection Board to take the necessary actions in order for the dedicated faculty and staff at DLIFLC to obtain what they are legally entitled to.