Do Not Allow The Courts To evict Me From My Family Home Of 30 Years
My name is Michael "Shane" Carroll. I have resided in my families’ estate since September of 1984, after I was brought home from Santa Rosa Medical Center. Over the course of thirty years, I have had a lot of great memories and disappointing triumphs in this home. I was unfortunate enough to lose my mother and father in this home, but blessed to have not one, but two, of my dream cars sit in these very garages. Every room is a series of memories that define the person I am.
For over a decade, I dedicated my life to caring for my grandfather, Francis Erwin Stockstill. My grandfather built this home in 1974. He worked as a Mill-Wright for almost 40 years. My grandfather was one of the most admirable men I knew. On May 07, 2013, he lost his battle with "End Stage COPD". Although, I was given the misfortune of inheriting his debts and burdens that any family face during a loss, I was blessed to inherit our family home through probate. On May 28, 2013, Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court delivered me the "Order Determining Homestead Status of Real Property" electing me sole proprietor of our family estate.
On April 20, 2014, my home was illegally possessed under the clause of a loan instrument, which would allow me to barrow against the equity of the home. It would also allow for me to re-establish power at my residence after going thirty days with no power in my home. The utility company and I could not reach a financial agreement and service was disconnected indefinitely. After being assured that the actions taken were to "help" me get back on my feet, a "Warranty Deed" was filed under a new owner of the property, rendering me unfit to make decisions for my estate.
Today, this new owner has established themselves as my self-proclaimed "Landlord" insisting I owe $2500 rent on a property I've never owed a dollar of rent on. It's important to note, that the $10,000 consideration drawn up on the deed as a loan was never met. I have been served a "3 Days to Quit Notice" and face immediate eviction. This action is unjustified and unnecessary. I am asking for everyone’s support in showing the Courts that I have every right to reside in my home. Many of you have followed my music for over a decade now. A lot of you have watched me grow up in this home. My family and friends know this home is synonymous with my background and my life-story. Please help me to do what’s right and convince the legal system that ejecting me from my property is wrong.