Landing the South Fork Wind Farm Cable at Beach Lane, Wainscott Causes the Least Disruption and Offers the Most Benefits for the Entire Community

The South Fork Wind Farm ("SFWF") intends to construct 15 wind turbines 35 miles off the coast of Montauk that will ultimately deliver electric power to the Cove Hollow substation in East Hampton (see yellow circle on map image), projected to serve 70,000 households on the South Fork of Long Island. The developers' preferred landing spot for the Export Cable ("EC") to come ashore is Beach Lane in Wainscott (4.1 onshore miles), but they are now considering landing in Hither Hills (11.9 miles onshore), which would require the cable to be installed through Amagansett and East Hampton villages (and their respective Main Streets). We believe the Beach Lane landing site would cause the least disruption, and to be preferable for numerous reasons. Join us in urging both the developers and East Hampton Town officials to approve this preferred landing site and route to the Cove Hollow substation.
With regards to the project itself, we know that some of our local fisherman have raised concerns and we take those very seriously. We stand with them and we will work to see that an agreement is reached prior to the project moving forward.
Route Comparison
Hither Hills vs. Beach Lane
Above Ground Construction: 11.9 miles vs. 4.1 miles
Estimated Construction Period: > 2 years vs. < 12-months
Construction Path: Old Montauk Highway, 27 (Napeague), Main Street (Amagansett & East Hampton) vs. 2 miles of residential roads
Project Oversight & Control: State of New York vs. Town of East Hampton
Number Impacted: Thousands vs. 18 homes