Let's Make a Nap Station in the Lewisohn Hall!
Please sign your UNI and name in "comment"(e.g, ru2132, Rina Uehara), so that school can understand how many Columbia students have signed.
I'm running this signature campaign to request GS to open one of the rooms in the Lewisohn Hall for a nap-station during night, by moving chairs to a hall way and providing some blankets and folding mattresses. Here is the reason why I believe that we should request it:
GS students have diversified life styles,thus many of them are commuters,even though we have to study at a library as much as students having the traditional college life-style, living on the campus. I've known many students commuting from Queens, NJ and Brooklyn because the rent around Columbia is very expensive.
Reading many comments on "Columbia Class Confessions" on FB, especially comments mentioning the difficulty of commuting,has made my yearlong smoldering question stronger: "why doesn't Columbia offer a nap-station?"
One comment says "I wonder how many GS students are actually homeless". Some time ago, I run into a sick student who was literally throwing up in the GS lounge. I asked him where he lived by thinking that I could walk him back. He said "I actually don't have an apartment". I lost a word.Housing, food, clothing are things that should come before education. However, a few Columbia students sacrifice those fundamental items to purchase this education.I also know some students who commute to Columbia from NJ and go back to their places just one or twice a week because it takes too long. During finals, they shower at the gym and sleep in a chair in Butler. If GS offers a nap station, it will be incredibly helpful for those commuters. If they could sleep there instead of a chair at Butler, they can perform better on their exams next day.
I believe that we all should have a right to sleep in a decent condition while we are at Columbia, given how much we pay and given how much available but underused space this school has. Lack of efforts to reduce the burden of those students despite their available space and fund is neglect.
So let's request GS to
convert one of the rooms in Lewisohn into a nap station by moving chairs to a
hallway, and providing some blankets and folding mattresses during night!
From my research, a blanket costs $15, a folding mattress costs $60 on Amazon. If we buy 20 pairs of them, it costs $1500. (75*20=1500) It's a lot of money for individuals, but GS has$300,000 budget, according to a council member's linkedIn profile. So it shouldn't be difficult.If school is worried about any troubles, such as non-consensual sex,in the space, school can just deploy a security staff in front of the door. Perhaps it costs another 10 dollars per hour, and I'm also sure that there are students who are willing to undertake this campus job.
If you agree with my proposal, please sign your UNI and name in "comment". (e.g, ru2132, Rina Uehara)
Make our voice heard.
Let GS be the most understanding and friendly school to any student.
Make GS even a better place than when we arrived :)
Your willingness × school's approval × $1500= improved students lives!!!
Thank you very much for your corporation!!!