Dodge Ball for Kids

Hello All! My daughter has asked me to start a petition to bring back Dodge Ball for indoor recess. She was very upset when it was taken away because a student had complained about getting hurt. While I am sympathetic to the child, I also am aware that children are going to get hurt when they play, and therefore, I am supporting my daughter's love of the sport.
I am hoping you will join us as we try to rally as many parents as possible to bring Dodge Ball back to PACS for all students who choose to play! This is not a mandatory indoor recess game. Students will continue to be provided with other options as well, but for those who are interested, they should be allowed to play again. While we cannot guarantee that your child will never get hurt (because every sport comes with a risk), we can guarantee they will have fun and will learn many skills, such as teamwork, building friendships, agility, quick thinking, hand-eye coordination, fast and how to be active. Please sign to support us in our efforts!
Thank you for your support!