Reduce/eliminate fee for Chicago Dog Parks
We the undersigned feel that the fee of $35, which the Chicago Park District (CPD) is planning to charge for a \"Dog Friendly Area Permit,\" is unwarranted and excessive. According to the new Cook County Ordinance, dog owners must show written proof of vaccinations. In addition to these regulations, the dog owner would be required to show proof of a veterinary checkup date within the last 30 days and have their veterinarian complete and sign the Permit Application. There are absolutely NO reports suggesting an increase of canine infection with any of the viruses mentioned at the meeting. Furthermore, research now shows that annual vaccinations for the suggested diseases have the potential of making our dogs sick and occasionally causing death. The new protocol recommends these vaccinations every 3 years. In addition to giving our dogs unnecessary and dangerous vaccines, pet owners must make additional, unnecessary vet visits. Most vets charge around $50 for the visit alone; add the cost for the vaccines and this will add to our already high fees What will Chicago give back to us dog owners They already said that they will give NOTHING more than the rights to use the park. These parks are already being maintained by volunteers from among the very people who use it the most. Why would we pay if they, CPD won