Dominion Transmission Line
Are you aware that Dominion has proposed the construction of a 500kV electrical transmission line that could impact our County, and perhaps your property? Dominion’s preferred choice is to place the power line across the James River. This route is shorter, less expensive and carries far fewer environmental and economic impacts. However, Dominion is required to submit an alternative route, which runs through Charles City County, cuts across the Chickahominy River and significantly impacts properties in both the 9th Senatorial District, as well as the 74th House District.
If the Chickahominy Alternative route is approved, Charles City County residents could face altered views, shift their farming and timber operations, and contend with negative impacts on family history and cultural assets. We need your help to make sure that the State Corporation Commission approves the route that crosses the James River, so that the transmission line is located in an area that already is developed and industrialized. Help us preserve the character of Charles City County, our history and culture, our farms and our tourism-dependent businesses by taking a few seconds to sign this petition to Mr. Joel Peck, Clerk of the State Corporation Commission, citing case number PUE-2012-00029. For more information please visit the State Corporation Commission website below:
Sincerely yours,
Joseph D. Morrissey, Representative- 74th District
A. Donald McEachin, Senator- 9th District