Don't allow alleged rapist to walk school halls

A Kennewick teen and Southridge High School student recently charged as an adult with rape of a child in the first degree is not to have contact with minors, but the court said he is allowed to attend school under supervision.
When SHS was asked who would be supervising this student while on school grounds the message was ignored.
As concerned parents and citizens we ask for your signature on this petition as a plea to Benton County Superior Court, Southridge High School and the Kennewick School District NOT to allow Logan Santjer to attend school until this matter is fully resolved and his innocence is proven if that is the outcome.
We fully understand the right to an education, but this young man is facing serious charges in adult court. Student safety, wellbeing, and the overall disruption his presence could lead to in what is to be a safe learning environment needs to be at the forefront in regards to him attending school. Not only for the alleged perpetrator, but all of SHS student body. As well as the neighboring middle school.
Not allowing him to attend school is the best solution for Logan and all of the students at Southridge High School. Not to mention peace of mind to all concerned parents and community members.
Please take a moment to sign and share.